Anyone who invests in a healthcare property without detailed analyses, based only on their gut feeling, is ill-advised – or has done without industry experts. Because the market for healthcare and senior residential properties follows its own laws, is complex, highly fragmented and not very transparent. Market data and the interpretation of figures form a solid basis to gain an overview of the market for healthcare properties and nursing homes. TERRANUS combines precise market know-how with operator knowledge as well as real estate expertise and checks the facts that are important for your investment. How does the current care policy affect the operation and the property, and could this jeopardise the rental payment in the long term? Where is there already a shortage of care places today? Is the operating company in your property strategically well positioned for the coming years? TERRANUS determines the true values of a healthcare property, our expert knowledge lays the foundation for stable returns, our experience provides the necessary security for your investment. Based on our precise market knowledge and many years of experience, we advise you on the right choice of healthcare real estate as well as the operator and support you along the entire value chain.