Digitisation? Don’t panic!
Fear that jobs will vanish is spreading: critics believe that digitisation will lead to high unemployment. In contrast, economists foresee ‘a transformation with enormous opportunities’. Because demographic change and digitisation are counterparts.
Care 4.0: Wanted – creative ideas!
Time for (R)Evolution: “Ambient Assisted Living, artificial intelligence and demography-oriented neighbourhood development would revolutionise the lives of older people in Germany,” says Carsten Brinkmann.
Don’t be afraid of creativity!
Sticking to the beaten track and conventional ways of thinking hinder better healthcare service offers for people in need of care and thus let opportunities slip away. Legislative shackles are increasingly leading to a “one-class system”, exacerbating the loss of individuality.
€ 28 billion for care homes!
Demographics bump into reality: Germany will have 3.4 million individuals in need of care by 2030. Around one third, in other words, more than one million people, will then need an inpatient care place. To cover rising demand, 250 new care homes comprising 80 places each will need to be built – every year!